Our best selling 3D printers have been included again in the 3D Hubs Best 3D Printer Guide 2018.
The feature packed Ultimaker 3 Extended and Raise3D N2 have been listed as the best Prosumer 3D Printer category, with the every reliable Zortrax M200 and affordable Flashforge Finder being listed as the best Plug n Play 3D Printer category.
[av_button label=’View the 2018 Best 3D Printer Guide’ link=’manually,https://www.3dhubs.com/best-3d-printer-guide’ link_target=” size=’medium’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-8mzdgam’]