Over the last week we’ve been speaking to BBC Radio 4 and local news show BBC South Today about the world of 3D printing. You can listen to the audio from Mark Mardells Sunday lunchtime show (The World This Weekend) below, where he interviews our director James Preen about the latest 3D printers and their impact on the economy. Mark and his colleague came down to speak with James on Friday and showed a real interest in the rapidly evolving technology.
Listen to the clip below:
In the same week BBC South Today joined us for a filming session and talk, to feature on their news story linked to Alan Mak MP and his passion for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Alan has written a report on the way technology is evolving and why the fourth industrial revolution should be at the heart of Britain’s new industrial strategy. To find out more click here for a link to his website.
Watch the clip below: