Printing with a 0.8mm Nozzle on the Ultimaker 2+

One of our first experiments with the new Ultimaker 2+ was to test it’s new and improved print quality. We wanted to also test how the printer performed with the range of nozzles provided.

The nozzle sizes available are as follows;

  • 0.25
  • 0.4
  • 0.6
  • 0.8

We decided to first go BIG….using the 0.8 nozzle. This nozzle is the largest and allows for much more filament to be pushed through and laid down by the printer. It also speeds up the printing process quite substantially. This is advantageous as you can print large scale models in much quicker than you could with a standard 0.4 nozzle. You will effectively cut the print time in half.


For our test we used our trusty Dreamo mascot. This is a good print to test out the printers ability to handle straight edges, curves, overhangs and also text. Below you can see the results….


Here are the print settings we used in conjunction with the 0.8 nozzle;

Microns – 200

Shell Thickness – 1.6mm

Top & Bottom Layers – 1mm

Infill – 10%

Print Time – 12 hours

Here is a comparative photo with the keyring sized Dreamo. The surface quality is great and it has handled the tricky parts of the print very well. In high-insight we could have increased the shell thickness to hide the honeycomb infill a little better. However we are really pleased with the overall quality, and for quick and effective printing of large parts this is a vital piece of kit.


If you want to see this awesome print coming to life check out the video below.

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