VLARE is a slicing software suitable for use with Peopoly 3D Printers.



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Download and install VlareSlicer as this is the default slicing program for Phenom Forge. Even if you decided to use a different slicer in the future, it is a good idea to keep a copy of VlareSlicer


You can download the VlareSlicer which is compatible with Phenom Forge here:



You can find Windows and OSX versions here:


Software – Setup


Download config file”Phenom Forge.pfg“: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gwYEuDYBML741BEs2xQv2MthoHP-3wiM/view?usp=share_link


Once the software is installed. Please click the “Slice Settings” on the right side of VlareSlicer


Click “Import Profile” in the upper left corner to import the downloaded “Phenom Forge.pfg”


The Phenom Forge machine will appear in the list on the left


You will find 4 profiles for Deft, Neo, Blu, and Tough Nylon


If all the numbers match, then you need to configure for support before you can create files. 


It is very easy to configure VlareSlicer for Phenom Forge.


Select “Support Mode” in the upper right corner of the VlareSlicer program


Set support to “Heavy”.


VlareSlicer is now all set to be used with your Phenom Forge.

Buying Options


Business Account Credit Terms – between 30-60 days – Please email us at Orders@Dream3D.co.uk




Bank Transfer – Please email us at Orders@Dream3D.co.uk

Business Finance Lease – Please email us at Orders@Dream3D.co.uk to find out more

Need help? 02070888163 / info@dream3d.co.uk

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