Modifi3D – 3D Print Finishing Tool

3D printers are fantastic things! Producing some great looking parts straight off the printer. However, if you actually own a desktop 3D printer you will know that this isn’t always the case and from time to time printing errors can creep in. Removing support material can sometimes be a pain and what if you need to modify the part after printing? You won’t want to print the whole thing again if it can be avoided!… This is where the MODIFI3D Finishing Tool steps in. MODIFI3D offers a low cost solution to Finish, Repair and Modify 3D printed parts.

MODIFI3D is a heated tool with specially coated interchangeable tips designed to finish, repair and modify 3D printed parts. It is designed to replace much of the sanding, scraping and snapping to finish off your 3D prints. The pen like form of MODIFI3D makes it very comfortable to use and extremely easy to control when precision is important. It works with PLA, ABS and many other 3D printing materials.

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